Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 39 - Wed just an Ordinary TEAM Day

TEAM day - that can strike fear into some hearts.  Kidding.  The thing I love most about Maria is that she changes it up but we always know the idea behind each workout day.  Wed is endurance day.  She leads us through quick one minute stints.  One minute run, one minute squats, one minute run, one minute heavy ball and so on. Working our way from arms and ending on abs.  I am soaked by the end and puffing good.  I finally have the Gearfit figured out but I can't see the heart rate (it's so tiny) and borrow Lynn's glasses to see if it is the same as what the treadmill is reading.  It is not.  I don't think I have it on tight enough or something.  Darn.  These gizmos can be frustrating!!  However, the pedometer feature is awesome and yesterday I did over 12000 steps!  I'm sure tap class helped with that too.  Lynn and I compare notes on our steps taken at the end of class and surprisingly we are within 20 of each other.  That is hilarious, remember it starts first thing in the morning as soon as my feet hit the floor getting out of bed.  Oh and I also found out through the sleep function that I slept for 7 hours and 55 minutes and I was motionless for 7 hours and 45 minutes!!  That's pretty good (right Kathy?).  I have to admit this workout regimen helps with my sleep. I am falling asleep by 10 every night.

Ok, back on track here.

After showering, I head to the LifeCafe to grab something for lunch.  I am feeling tuna salad for some reason.  Their's is especially tasty.  Over some salad greens it is a filling and nourishing lunch.  I forgot to take something out for dinner so will figure it out later.

Change in plans, Drew wants to get his hair cut so instead of cooking we will get something there.  While I am waiting for him I check out some stores.  I end up at Loft.  I have not been in Loft before and I see there is a good sale on.  However, and this is ok, they only have sizes up to 14.  I look at a pair of shorts (on sale for 29.50) and think - 14 looks kinda big.  So..I grab a 12 and head to the change room.  AND?  It fits.  A wee bit snug but not embarrassingly so.  So that is amazing.  I pick out a couple of tanks and t-shirts all on 50% off and 2 belts.  Me, wearing a belt - a size MEDIUM belt.  That means tucking IN my shirts. I haven't done that in a long time unless I am golfing.  COOLLLLL.

However, Drew texts me while I am in the change room and says he is done and waiting to eat.  So I put the stuff on hold and head down to join him.

We don't agree on what to eat.  He is leaning towards chinese style food - steamed or grilled - but it sticks in the back of my head that it may not be all that good for us.  He doesn't want Cultures - tired of wraps and salads I guess.  So we end up at a Fresh Burger place.  I pick the organic burger on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, onion and dijon mustard and he copies me (again).  I do not eat both parts of the bun and eat it like an open face sandwich.  It is good and lean and fills the spot.  Too much dijon though.

So while it is a challenge when you are having to eat out - as I have done a bit over the past few days - you can still find food that is acceptable and the key is to not eat the whole thing.  Remember your portions and control it.  After all the advice I have received from Sara and how far I have come, I still have a long way to go and this is a life long change.

Tomorrow is Thursday - Swimming anyone???


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